Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Amazing these iPhones, I can create posts on my phone now! I hope to be able to upload more stories and photos faster now. Unfortunately my laptop has been having it's issues, thus posts have been too few and far between.

So what is new with us? Unfortunately not much.

Lori saw her boyfriend again last week. It was a little late so he just came over for some beers and to hang .. It was nice, they seemed like their old selves again. We hung, drank and got a good buzz on! I LOVE sitting across the bar from them, watching them kiss, hug, flirt!

We all hung for a while until they grabbed each others hands and walked upstairs! I hung back for a few then made my way up. As I got close o could hear Lori's moans! I hung quietly by the door and secretly watched and listened to them make love and fuck for at least an hour! It was so hot! They did some seriously rough and hard fucking and sucking!

I thought wahoo they're back! But the next day Lori said it was nice ... But she thinks she wants to meet someone new!

This sort of blew my mind, the sex sounded intense and hot!!! Well I think Lori is getting bored. I don't think it is anything else. It was incredibly hot for a while but he just couldn't get out often enough and text enough to keep it hot, keep the passion up.

Well now were looking again for that hot perfect guy, this time though he's going to be completely single and want Something hot and passionate that lasts! We shall see, but for now I'm sure well keep playing with the usual suspects ... At least until Lori find the guy she wants to be exclusive with!

Till then I get to get my share as well! :).

Well I'll hopefully post some video clips from my phone! What a great phone! Sitting at a bar writing my blog!
